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PLEASE NOTE: The 310 Joint Application can take up to 60 days to complete; landowners planning a project should contact the Carbon Conservation District well in advance of the planned starting date to get the permitting process started. The applicant is responsible for obtaining al necessary permits and landowner’s permission before beginning work. Contractors doing the work in or adjacent to a river or stream, should have a copy of the 310 permit in hand.

Are you planning work in or near a streambed? You'll need a 310 permit.


Montana ’s Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act, also known as the 310 Law, is a state law which requires that any person planning to work in or near a perennial stream or river on private or public land must first obtain a 310 Permit from the local conservation district.


The purpose of the 310 Law is to insure that projects on perennial streams will be carried out in ways that are not damaging to the stream, its banks or to adjoining landowners. The Carbon Conservation District administers the 310 law in the Carbon County. There is no fee for the 310 permit.​


ENSURE YOU HAVE PERMITS FROM ALL NECESSARY AGENCIES. Click the Permitting Agencies Checklist to check that you have the necessary permits.


Click the 310 Application button below

In Case of Emergency


The 310 Law contains a provision to handle actions necessary to safeguard life or property, including growing crops, during emergencies. The emergency form is available on this Web site or from the CCD office. If you must take emergency action, notify the CCD in writing within 15 days of the action taken explaining what was done and why. The emergency action will be reviewed by the CCD, which will decide whether the action was appropriate, must be modified, or must be removed and/or replaced.


To qualify as an emergency action, Montana law states the project must be the result of an “unforeseen event or combination of circumstances that calls for immediate action to safeguard life, including human or animal, or property, including growing crops, without giving time for the deliberate exercise of judgment or discretion …”


This form can be found by clicking the link below,

Activities Without a Permit


It is a misdemeanor to initiate a project without a permit; to conduct activities outside the scope of the permit, to violate emergency procedures, or to use prohibited materials in a project. Upon conviction of a misdemeanor, a person may be punished by a fine up to $500 or by a civil penalty not to exceed $500 per day for each day the person continues to alter the stream. In addition, at the discretion of the court, the person may be required to restore the damaged stream as recommended by the CCD to as near its prior condition as possible.


If you would like to report an activity that may be a violation of the 310 law, please fill out a complaint/violation form, and send it to the Conservation District. This form can be found by clicking the Complaint/Violation Button below..


If you would like more information on current permits please contact our office.


REMEMBER! It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you have the appropriate permits from ALL stream permitting agencies, including the Conservation District.

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